How to Grow Beard Fast- Beard Styling Secret

The question of how to care for a beard styling is one of the most popular there are in fact so many products and so many situations that it is often

How to Grow Beard Fast- Beard Styling Secret

The question of how to care for a beard is one of the most popular there are in fact so many products and so many situations that it is often difficult to find all the information you need. So I have put together this guide to help you orient yourself in this world, whether you are in the early stages of growth or if you already have a full beard to show off, here you will find tips and solutions to the thorniest problems. 
How to Grow Beard Fast- Beard Styling Secret

We will see some precautions to take care of the beard in the growth phase, the accessories to have and the products to use. We will then move on to see also common problems such as the famous patchy beard and the classic (and unbearable) itch.Let's begin !

Grow a beard

For this purpose, here on the site we have an entire article that talks about how to grow a beard , but it seems only right to take up some fundamental points in this complete guide on how to take care of the beard.

If you already have a nice long beard you can directly head to the next section below.

The first thing to do is to give yourself a time of at least 3-4 months in which the goal is to make the hair stretch so as to make it workable towards a certain shape or style.
Not only that, letting it grow will also cover any less dense areas: many complain of having a patchy beard when in reality these will completely cover, or almost, as the beard grows.

Of course, a lot of the beard depends on genetics as we always hear around, but there are very few people who will not arrive at a more than excellent coverage of their face. I think it is also important to underline that there are no miraculous products for beard growth, so be wary of those who sell them pretending to work.

How to take care of your beard

Before starting to use specific products and other accessories there are some habits that should become part of our beard care routine. These below are the first thing you should worry about and learn how to do.


The first habit to absorb is to wash your beard regularly . In fact, it tends to accumulate dirt such as food, pollen and dust, thus becoming fertile ground for bacteria that can cause infections. However, washing should not be too frequent : generally two or three times a week is the right compromise between cleansing and the correct balance of the skin and the sebum produced. It is also very important to use a specific shampoo or at least a product that is not too aggressive.

How to take care of the beard to make it grow: the secret is to take care of the skin

As your beard grows, and especially in the beginning, you will need to be patient. Don't be obsessed with small areas on the face where no hair grows , almost all bearded people have them. Just think that as soon as your beard has grown a little, you will be able to style it so that it looks lush and even.

It is likely that you will feel itchy , which means your skin needs to be moisturized. The most important thing to have a perfect beard is to take care of the skin on which it is born. You need to keep your skin clean and hydrated , and provide your beard with nutrients that will help it grow healthy and strong. To do this, we recommend that you prefer natural products specifically formulated for skin and beard care. The most important things you need right now are: beard skin soap , beard oil specific to your skin type (sensitive, dry, combination), and a facial hair growth treatment .

Dry your beard, do not leave it wet

Excess water and moisture damage the hair cuticle and also the hair follicle. To remove moisture from your beard after washing, use a towel . Be careful, wet hairs are more delicate than dry ones, so don't wring or rub them. You can also use a medium temperature hair dryer.

Use a brush

The second thing to get into your routine is to use the brush . Its functions are many, as we will see below, and they are all fundamental. This is definitely the first accessory to buy.

Nourish and moisturize the skin with specific products for the beard

A healthy beard grows on healthy skin. For this reason it is necessary to sanitize the beard by applying a specific natural beard oil daily This will moisturize and soften the skin to prevent itching and even flaking. In addition, natural beard oil restores vitality to the beard, giving it shine and a healthy, shiny appearance.

Help your beard grow strong and healthy

When you start to grow a beard your skin, used to shaving, suddenly becomes covered in hair and needs some time to adjust to the new situation. It is normal for it to itch or you feel uncomfortable, it will pass quickly, do not worry. The solution is to cleanse and moisturize the skin daily with a specific oil that promotes hair growth.

Even when your beard is already long, you need to keep giving it extra nutrition to keep it growing healthy.

Check it regularly

Trimming your beard regularly helps to preserve its order and shape, making it visually beautiful. In fact, the hairs are not perfect and tend to grow unevenly, some areas will be faster than others to thicken and we could find ourselves in an unpleasant scenario if we do not regulate it: it would become non-symmetrical and inaccurate with a scruffy appearance.

A tip: regularly shave the area under the U-shaped neck and the top of the cheeks - this will help make your beard look much neater and it's easy to do it yourself at home.

Beard products and accessories

Once you have made the recommendations listed above our own, it's time to start filling our bathroom cabinet with the products necessary for the care of our beard. You don't need to have them all, but there are a couple that are essential.

Needless to say, the choice must be made according to your preferences and needs, and as you try the various products and accessories you will realize which ones you prefer or really need.

Browsing the site you will find in-depth articles and buying guides on each of these products. I invite you to consult them for further information.


The shampoo is used, as it is easy to guess, to wash your beard which, as mentioned above, should be washed regularly every two or three days. As it grows from the skin, dead cells begin to detach and become trapped, if we then add pollen, food and dust, it is easy to imagine how much dirt can deposit in our facial hair .

Unlike hair shampoos, shaving shampoos generally have a more delicate composition and are enriched with substances that serve to moisturize and nourish the hair. For this purpose it is good to focus on products that contaminate ingredients of natural origin.

Together with beard oil it represents the basis of the products that each of us should have available.

Beard oil

Oil is the undisputed king of beard care products . Its functions are many, but the most important is to moisturize both the hair and the underlying skin: this also prevents itching, a very common problem.

At the same time, using an oil also softens the beard, giving it a neater appearance at the same time. The choice is vast, but as always it is good to focus on natural products (beard oils should in fact consist of few ingredients) and avoid those that are too cheap. I recommend reading our guide on buying beard oil in this regard.


With the term conditioner we refer to the product which is sometimes also called wax and which should not be confused with liquid conditioners that are then rinsed like that for hair. Its function in treating the beard is very similar to that of oil : it serves to moisturize and protect both hair and skin. Unlike the latter, however, its consistency is solid, and must be worked a little before proceeding with the application.

If we were to put them on the scale we would say that the oil has an excellent moisturizing power but a low hold, while the wax has a good moisturizing power and an excellent hold: ideal for beards that are difficult to tame.

Soap (and brush!)

The soap and shaving cream are used to moisturize and soften before shaving. Unlike the new and modern gels, they do not dry out the skin and allow irritation to be reduced to a minimum.

The quality of the product in this case is fundamental, as is the use of a good brush for an ad hoc application. Its preparation takes some time, but it's worth it and almost becomes a ritual of personal care!

Brush and comb

If oil is the king of products, the brush is definitely the queen in the realm of beard care accessories!
Its functions are many: combing and directing, removing impurities such as pollen or dust and evenly distributing the oils, both the sebum produced by the skin and what we ourselves are going to apply .

It can be used from the first moments of growth, unlike the comb so we should wait until we have a beard of at least 3-5 cm to start using it. Its main use is in fact to untangle and untie any knots, helping to maintain order.


In the topic of how to care for a beard, that of razors is a rather prominent issue. Undoubtedly the choice is very wide, but I can venture to say that it is mainly a personal preference . In fact, we will use the razor only to finish certain areas, such as the lower one of the neck or the upper one of the cheeks.

Personally I don't like to use the electric razor in this case and I believe that a freehand razor , a shavette or even a safety razor are the perfect choice, allowing greater precision.
Obviously, nothing prevents you from using simple disposables if you prefer, or if you find that they lead to less irritation.

To put it briefly: rely on your personal taste in this case , but make sure you have at least a means to do all the small trimmings on your beard.


Scissors are a very useful accessory to maintain and shape our beloved beard. Despite this they are not very widespread as learning to use involves the commission of many errors and cripples. Sure, it can be very satisfying to trim your beard yourself, but relying on a trusted barber shop with years of experience is undoubtedly a safer choice .

Common problems

Among the most common problems in beard care we find that of itching and patches.

  • Itching , especially in the early stages of growth, can be very annoying and lead to exasperation. In this case the solution is to periodically wash the beard as already indicated above and use a product that hydrates the skin such as oil or conditioner.
  • The patches, on the other hand, are often just an illusion: once the beard starts to grow, any less thick areas will cover themselves accordingly.
    Of course, there are also people with little beard, but we can little in this case against genetics.

Extra: beard care and nutrition

A little discussed but very important chapter for the health of the beard and of our body in general is that of nutrition. There are no magical fruits or secret ingredients: everything lies in a well-balanced and varied diet. Undoubtedly, however, among the most neglected substances we find the fats of the Omega group and the right vitamin intake. To remedy it is very simple: for fats, add dried fruit, salmon and avocado to your diet, while for vitamins just increase the doses of fresh fruit and vegetables! Also on this issue you can find more information and dedicated articles on the site.


Hoping to have made some clarity in the vast world of beard care, I invite you to experiment as much as possible with products, accessories and razors to find the ones that suit you best. As always, you can leave a comment below in case of doubts, clarifications or if you simply liked this article!