Do this to control your blood pressure

Do this to control your blood pressure

More than 1 billion people in this world suffer
from this condition of high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a lifestyle disorder.
It can be corrected it can be improved and
person can come out of this whole problem.
He has to put his efforts.
Here are few ways through which you can control
High Blood Pressure
1 Right Exercise
Among the group of exercise, the first comes
walking. A person should know how to walk,
when to walk. Now walking could be done before
eating food, and that walking should be little
bit brisk walking, never allow your breath
to get fast, don’t become breathless, walk
nicely. Walk for 45 minutes if possible in
the morning and half and hour in the evening.
Other exercises could be relaxation exercises,
every 2 hours if person is doing Shavasana
for 5-10 minutes he can really keep his blood
pressure in control, the other relaxing asanas
could be lying down asanas like Yastikasana,
Stick Pose or Bhadrasana or lifting your leg
up and down taking to the side that is Hastpadangushtasana,
doing certain asana like matsyasana, Crossing
your legs and lye down, crossing your legs
in sukhasanas and lye down, these are very
good relaxing asanas person should be doing,
our extremities have to be exercised when
the blood pressure goes high so these are
those asanas. You should do some pranayams
and the best pranayam for high blood pressure
is pranaym number 4, that is inhale while
breathing up and exhale while putting your
stomach down again while inhaling move your
abdomen up and exhaling put your abdomen down,
but do it in a relaxed way, whenever you get
a chance to lye down so do it in this position
also, when you are doing shavasana, after
that do this pranayam and then start your
activities again. So nit all these things
in your day to day activities, Understand
that what kind of exercises you should not
1) Suryanamaskar
2) Too much bending forward and staying for
a long time
3) Any such posture which makes you breathless,
avoid it, don’t do it.
Do all these exercises regularly, exercises
are a must, because while doing exercises
you are relaxing every muscles of your body,
every nerve of your body, so these asanas
are most important.
2) Right Food
Food is another major factor that affects
your blood pressure. Intaking right food by
itself acts as a best medicine.
Avoid foods which are high in salt and sugar.
Also avoid food that are Excess in saturated
fats like fried stuff, spicy stuff, avoid
. Also avoid non vegetarian food and also
stop smoking and drinking, they are no good
in any case.
So what are you going to eat now? Sufficient
amount of fruits and vegetables, good. 4 times
in a day, fruits and vegetables should go.
Eat citrus fruits regularly. Pumpkin seeds,
spinach and beets all these contains nutrients
which relaxes your blood vessels. Beans and
berries are excellent food also, so try to
follow these food habits and keep your blood
pressure in control.
third factor
3) Right emotion
Ultimately every disorder finds its root in
mind. Yoga says that root cause of every disorder
is in mind. Primarily, High blood pressure
is a psychosomatic disorder. Some common traits
are usually observed when people suffer from
high blood pressure, usually aggressive behavior,
usually doing everything speedily, if things
don’t go right, getting disturbed and angry,
always anxious and stressful, things don’t
go right according your way, you can’t control
everything, so person is always under stress.So
such emotional states can increase the blood
pressure beyond normal, so check your emotion
and learn to be calm and accept people as
they are, person should develop the attitude
of faith and gratitude. Surrender all your
worries to god and nature, believe that everything
and whatever is happening is happening for
your own good, be happy always.
High blood pressure is a serious issue don’t
take it lightly, if you get affected by high
blood pressure for long, it is going to affect
your kidney your liver, your heart, all the
vital organs will be affected and that would
not be right. so try and follow the instructions
given. Exercises rightly, Eat rightly and
manage your emotion also rightly and live
your life happily.