Easy Natural Treatment for Thyroid

Easy Natural Treatment for Thyroid 

You must have heard many people telling you
I have thyroid problem . some people put on
so much weight and tell I have thyroid problem
. well ,what is this thyroid? Thyroid is a
gland which is situated in throat region . its
shape is like butterfly. There are two types
of thyroid which everyone should know.
1 Hypothyroidism
2 Hyperthyroidism
Hypo and hyper
Hypo thyroid is a condition where there is
lesser secretion of thyroid hormones ,and
the person is slow in thinking ,slow in work
,gets tired very easily and so on . when everything
goes slow person rather puts on weight .sometimes
you must be noticing that there is a swollen
gland over throat is called goiter . all these
are hypothyroid problems .
Again there I s another condition , Hyper
where there is more secretion where everything
is fast ,
Swift person starts reducing in weight . person
becomes anxious, restless .everything is rapid
in body and that creates problem in him . out
of this two hypothyroid is very very common
,and that too in women .
Generally when someone says they have thyroid
problem most of the time it is hypothyroid
problem .
Here are few things which you can do to overcome
hypothyroid conditions .
1 food to avoid
You should avoid certain kind of foods containing
goitegen and there are many common foods which
contain goitegen.
1 soya products like tofu
2 cruciferous vegetables like cabbage ,cauliflower,
and broccoli
3 sweet potatoes
4 peach and strawberries
5 peanuts
Person with hypothyroid conditions should
totally avoid these foods because it is not
conducive to this problem .
Now there are certain foods which person with
hypothyroid should consume . one of the causes
for hypothyroidism is less iodine in your
system ,to have sufficient iodine
1 consume more dairy products
2 eat selenium rich food more
Foods like sunflower seeds ,brown rice and
yogurt are rich in selenium .and more important
is that you eat four times a day .
3 yoga techniques
Yoga helps in releasing TSH Thyroid stimulating
hormones . TSH is released by pituary gland
. here are the asanas which not only increases
the circulation of thyroid gland but also
helps activating pituary gland .
1 bhujang asana
In bhujang asana you are lifting your head
up and taking your head back ,absolutely giving
stretch over neck and compression over back
. so both this places are activated . similarly
all such back bending asanas like dhanurvakrasana,ustrasana
and chakrasana . they all help in the same
way .
The person with thyroid issue generally need
more confidence ,more energy . and these are
the asanas which help you to increase more
energy and thereby increase confidence .
4 sleep
Studies show that lack of sleep causes hyperthyroidism
Too much of sleep will cause hypothyroidism
Ideal sleep should go up to seven to eight
hours . seven to eight hours sleep is sufficient
sleep will help in releasing T3 and T4 HORMONES
5 Meditation
Stress is the major cause of all the endocrine
problems . the release of TS3 and TS4 IS highly
Affected because of stress. Mediation really
helps in calming down your mind and releases
the tension
What you should do ?
1 you should go for a walk in silence .spend
some time with nature.
2 learn to just sit quietly in any of the
meditative pose . spend time with yourself
and contact with yourself and calm yourself
down .
3 mind is too much busy thinking . meditate
on sound .certain sounds outside the world
Just focusing on sound will help your mind
to calm down ,it is called as Nishpand bhava
Thyroid is a condition which can be overcome
by lifestyle changes .Remember happiness
Is the best medicine ,so be happy . remember
to be active also .see to it that you are
actively participating in a positive way in
life. Change your lifestyle to what it was
to this way .
You will be really enjoying .