Foods that helps to Reduce Weight

Foods that helps to Reduce Weight

We eat varities of food,some food help you
to increase your weight,your body looks more
plump,some food help you to reduce your weight,make
your body little slim and trim.Here are some
foods which will help you in reducing your
1) Honey-when we consume honey before bed,the
body burns more fat during the early hours
of sleep.Honey makes liver produce more glucose,this
glucose keeps the brain sugar level high and
forces to release fat burning hormones,so
consume a table spoon full of honey before
bed,you can mix it with little milk because
milk also is very good to be consumed before
bed,so in milk a tablespoon full of honey,take
it that would be helpful.
2) Chia seeds – you can take chia seeds
in lemon juice right in the morning and that
would really help in reducing your weight,take
a glass of water,squeeze half a lemon into
it,put a pinch of salt and add chia seeds
in that,a big table spoon full of chia seeds
and take it,chia seeds should be soaked in
water for half an hour and then added to the
lemon juice and consume it,one glass of lemon
juice with chia seeds will burn 6 calories
of our energy,it prevents over eating throughout
the day.
3) Jeera water-jeera or cumin seeds are extremely
beneficial for weight loss,this drink can
really increase your metabolism significantly,jeera
water reduces your hunger and increases your
fat burning process,soak one tablespoon of
cumin seeds in a glass full of water overnight,in
the morning drink that water and chew some
of the seeds,that would be wonderful.
4) Cruciferous vegetables-add these cruciferous
vegetables in your daily diet,like cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli
etc.these foods are rich source of fibres
which can make you feel satiated throughout
the day,also they are low in calories and
starch,its non starchy and fibre rich food
will help you in weight loss,so make sure
a bowl full of this vegetable goes in your
system everyday.
5) Apple-an apple a day not only keeps the
doctor away but keeps the extra weight also
away,eat apple with its skin and it will give
you a very good fibre and keep you satiated
throughout the day,so apple is an excellent
food which will not only give you good amount
of fibre,but it is low in calorie and it would
give you a feeling of being full.
6) Add iron,zinc and selenium foods-these
foods are known to enhance your thyroid activity,higher
the thyroid activity,higher would be the metabolism
and increased metabolism helps trigger burning
of calories.Nuts and seeds are very good source
for iron zinc and selenium,so everyday in
morning breakfast you must have all these
things.Soak almonds,walnuts,cashewnuts,pista
overnight and consume them in the morning,so
all these foods which we have seen could definitely
help you in weight loss but remember the food
alone will not help you,you are supposed to
take care of yourself by eating 4 times in
a day,see that you eat only that much that
you feel hungry next time ,see that you are
walking twice in the morning as well as evening
see that you are doing asanas regularly,all
these things are definitely going to help
you in maintaining your weigh and keep you
fit fine and healthy and cheerful,take care.