How to heal your skin from within?

How to heal your skin from within?

I want to discuss the issue of skin
there are skin infections that people
have issues with and it's quite far more
difficult to handle somehow because you
can see it and it's the you know it
restricts your daily movements you know
in a lot of ways how can you really help
with skin infections oh it's a very big
topic let me tell you but we will
understand it quickly the main thing is
toxins into our body free radicals you
see your hormonal imbalances and a
sensitivity towards the external
environment all these things can cause
skin problems major sin problems like
quite a lot of things like acne pimples
and all that like hair fall and even
then drops coming up like rashes all
over sometimes you have red pimping red
red rashes all over it ching ching
excessive sweating palms are sweating
and things are sweating excesses with
all this comes under skin problem you
see skin is a large just organ of our
body and if the skin is very clear if
internally something goes wrong
it affects skin externally if something
goes wrong it affects skin because it is
that so we have to be very much alert
when the skin gets into trouble we have
to do something to see that skin is
clear neat and healthy it's now a yoga
has answer for all these things all
these problems so now first of all
toxins the toxins which are created in
our body we should see to it that we
have proper food habits
proper digestion because that system
should work well so certain yoga asin's
would help in improving digestive system
so that has to be clear free radicals
every part of your body should have a
good amount of oxygen because externally
so much of pollution is there so many
things are there which are continuously
affecting us continuously and so we are
supposed to do something like that when
you see any radicals and sorry what it
is so many irritants are there in the
atmosphere like you will notice that
certain flowers are there and the
Poland's in the air will caught cause
energy and that allergic reaction is
shown on skin either on lungs that you
start breathing heavily or on skin so
such many such things are there around
so we have to become more
personality-wise such that our immunity
is very high so that these things don't
affect us and so yoga asana pranayama
basically these pranayams help in better
oxygenation and so every cell gets
proper oxygen and so you don't get
affected by external things but skin
externally has to be attended like I
would give you an advice that when you
go for your bath always take a tamil
which is dry napkin and rub that napkin
on your skin dry so that when you are
rubbing that dead cells which are
clogging your pores are thrown out
generations now so first you have to do
that dry and then with wet napkin again
you do the Gershon so this sort of a
bath becomes very very important and
then this external this is something
that you can do even after a normal bath
right yes but first dry skin and then
the wet that I would now recommend
because lots of toxins are there in the
external world so this is another area
then you are supposed to see that you
become very sensitive about the external
for example it's a rainy season have you
seen how many problems come during rainy
season so our skin is supposed to remain
dry and not wet if you keep your skin
width you are going to have more hair
faults you are going to have more
patches here and there dark patches
coming up very easily
scratchy skin will come all this because
of this atmosphere it is moist and moist
as atmosphere and again you get wet and
you don't bother you are wet but you
don't weakly change and become dry we
are supposed to remain dry if you find
you are sweating too much remove the
undergarments and wear a fresh one that
would be better then keeping it as it is
and just sitting under fan or in a
strong a/c to create more problem your
hormones will be totally imbalance and
you would go low so keep try and keep
warm so I would always say that sitting
near fire or taking a hot water back and
making your legs dry and hands dry and
warm would be the solution for skin
problems because the nerve endings are
there in your foot down so if you give
warmth over there the whole body is
helped so that has to be done in rainy
season in cold climate dry skin is much
much more so this type of a bath which I
recommended now so be sensitive you are
going to some area which is very
polluted you can see dark dark patches
on your skin so in that case you must
use some soap or some liquid soap and
clean it up and then wash it well with
water so this is all playing with water
for a long time avoid you go to swimming
pool where glory nation is there and
that also affects some people's skin you
will notice that some people become
darker another majority their skin
becomes darker and they want to be fair
so they have more sunscreen you know
applied cream applying on the body and
all that I am not in favor of that
I would say that better you use
something like milk or coconut oil
coconut oil is another thing pure
coconut oil which is don't press toy
cold face cold press that would be very
good but that you could apply after bath
a little bit when your skin is wet at
that time you apply local nut oil yeah
and then it's so this is how you have to
pray a little bit take care according to
the season but the main point is our
hormones you see it is so strongly
mentioned by medical science now this is
a new field which has come in medical
field they talk about neuro peptides
they talk about hormone which is called
as melatonin
now this melatonin peptides and then it
comes to nerves which are getting
affected so badly so that your body is
affected because of that so it is called
as a neuro dermatology
so this dermatology and neuro and psycho
psycho dermatology is another subject
so these subjects they tell that there
is direct connection between our psyche
and dermatology and skin so again here
yoga comes into the picture very
strongly that if you are stressed you
are tensed you worry you get lots of
anxiety then it is going to affect your
body mind plays a very big role in
skin's health and the psycho dermatology
subject is strongly talking about that
now this is recently researched work but
yoga talks about it long back yoga
always says that root cause of all
disease lies in mind and so try and say
that the if skin is getting affected
eczema dry and wet eczema
what a terrible you feel terrible
continuously itching continues certain
areas are using and
if it comes on arms and legs and body
person is really really suffering
restless person the moment the beginning
takes place person should be alarmed
suddenly things don't flare up on the
skin it starts with few simple symptoms
either your pimples are coming or and
they're painful also or they are small
spots false or pimples on the face and
on forehead because of dandruff and
because of dried skin
so many things are happening and you are
supposed to immediately attend to
yourself another thing which is so
important in bringing good health is
good sleep all these people I tell that
they should sleep one hour early and
sleep little more because body's repair
work this hormone they are handled how
how these hormones are handled by a good
sleep and by relaxed meditation you see
I would strongly recommend that person
should sit quietly at least for 10
minutes to 3 times in a day where you
are sitting and listening to some sound
sitting on having some mantra in your
mind sitting and feeling the touch of
air on your skin and such meditation 10
minutes and do a good amount of
shavasana or Makar asana or dread Hassan
or lachemann the bow sitting and
listening to sound these things are so
so important and since you can I just
take you back a bit on the first point
where you mentioned about the dietary
thing which is a large factor for your
skin's health so what is it that you
would say you know like if you could
just mention a few things like I know
for a fact turmeric is extremely good
for one skin like if you consume
turmeric it up you know it's a anti 98
so many things so is there anything more
that people especially with infected
skin or even with not what can they
consume that can keep them healthy one
definitely static so even if you are
taking milk take put little term deal
in that antique and second is lemon
vitamin C most important or take my
amulet outer could be taken with honey
or amla powder with just drink it with
water but that should definitely go into
your system and third the way in which
your skin reacts try and see that early
morning sun rays fall on your skin
early morning means when you are rising
sun or that Setting Sun those rays they
have tremendous healing capacity and
then I would say that for healthy skin
the clothes which we which we are
wearing makes a very big difference you
see I find people wearing tight pants
jeans in our climate according to the
climate you have to wear clothes
according the place you live you have to
wear clothes so in these climates when
you are wearing tight dresses since the
sweat really means synthetic clothes the
sweat remains with your body and that
brings microbes what toxins these free
radicals more on your system and that
affects your skin otherwise they say in
Hatillo book they have mentioned that
when person is working hard running
lifting weight doing going here and
there and sweating out that sweat is
very very good for your skin rather than
you should just move your hand on your
body when you are sweating and that
rather works as a protection for you but
you are not working and you are sweating
that is this that you have to remain dry
make your skin dry these are the few
things and in food sufficient amount of
fruits one plate should be of fruits all
varieties of fruits and ripe fruits not
unripe fruits so these things I would
recommend for health and finally of
course emo globin has to be good to glow
you see your face should look nice how
you are glowing so the point is leafy
such things should be cooked and eaten
I'm not so much in favor of totally raw
food for our green smoothies you don't
recommend our climate any season but raw
food should be totally avoided
absolutely out and even green leafy
vegetables in season when drains are
going on we should totally avoid we
should live more on protein so dolls
dolls and varieties of balaraju our
factory and jaggery honey that should be
your food in rainy season fruits and
that's it so this is how we should make
changes even from skin point of view and
says you know about aloe aloe vera aloe
vera is always good it is good it is
because you'll be holding you can do
that if you see you should use aloe vera
as a medicine not as a routine okay what
I'm telling you is following the routine
hello where as a medicine required would
be fine we don't need so much in certain
climate the climates are extreme then
such things are helpful
another spices ginger adrak supposed to
be very good balancing spice and you
should eat a drug so put that in
vegetables I'll just put it in the what
in the tin of whatever that you drink
from and that is yeah doubt we have such
bottles are you just put ginger and
ginger and lemon in that and drinking
that also is fine so we have found new
new things but certain things have to go
to our system when it comes to skin even
right from your clothes down to how you
are eating how you're spending your time
how is your state of mind practically
entire yoga comes into the picture the
lifetime out
yes lifestyle when we talk about
skincare there are a lot of wonderful
things answers you shared I'm sure
anybody who has any skin issues if you
just follows even some of the things
that she has mentioned you will
definitely see a huge result I hope you
do and I wish you the best of health
thank you