The Right Position to Sleep Peacefully at Night

The Right Position to Sleep Peacefully at Night

Your sleeping position plays a very important
role in deciding the quality of your sleep
and the other health conditions.incorrect
way of sleeping is going to create various
issues like orthopeadic problem,digestive
problems,heart problems and all other problems,in
Gujrati there is a saying,undha suye abhagya,chata
suye rogi,daba suye sansari,ane jamna suye
jogi,those who lie down on their abdomen stomach
they are usually depressive type of personalities,they
don’t want to face the world,the challenges
of life so they sleep in that position,flat
on the back when a person sleeps in any case
his snoring he has big belly he is not a healthy
person at all left side when a person sleeps
then he is a personality who worries about
many things in life,practically a house holder
personality who has to see the digestion is
better,circulation is better,breath is functioning
better and so on and so forth so he is that
type of a person ,right side is the place
where a person who sleeps is a person who
is a yogi who doesn’t have to worry about
anything,who is just releasing all his tensions
and worries to the higher reality and sleeps
relaxed way and that is that type of a person
so this is what the saying we have
to understand how to go about,sleeping on
the abdomen should be your last choice for
sleeping,we definitely say makarasana,lie
down on your abdomen for relaxation well that
has to be done for 10 mins not more than that,at
night sleeping would be wrong when you sleep
on your abdomen,when you are sleeping throughout
at night,your spine is never in its natural
alignment in that position.
1) Sleeping on abdomen leads to severe neck
pain and back pain when you lie down on abdomen
your lungs cannot expand hence there is always
a strain when you are breathing and so when
such person gets up in the morning then he
is feeling tired and fatigued inspite of sleeping
whole night,your digestion might also get
affected in this position.
2) Sleeping on back had its own advantage
as well as disadvantage,pregnant women heavier
adults and very old people should avoid sleeping
on back,it may sometimes aggrevate your back
pain,people suffering from acid reflux and
flatulence should totally avoid sleeping on
back,sleeping on back has certain advantage
too,people suffering from cervical spondylitis,neck
pain,stiff upper back should definitely lie
down on their back with proper support of
pillow below the head upto shoulder and this
itself would help them to release the pain,anyway
as far as possible throughout the night person
should not sleep on night,you can sleep on
back for 15 mins half an hour but then person
should always sleep on the sides.
3) Sleeping on sides,amongst all the positions,sleeping
on sides is the best position to sleep,side
sleeping helps your body,left side and right
side both the sides are very healthy for your
body,according to Ayurveda,sleeping on left
side is the best position for your digestive
system to see that your digestion is proper,your
absorption assimilation is proper,so when
you are sleeping on your left side your right
nostril is functioning that is surya nadi
according to yoga and that helps in improvising
your digestive capacity so helps in a better
absorption better assimilation proper nutrition
and proper energy,automatically it is going
to prevent heart burn and all other digestive
issues,in this position the problem of snoring
can be handled very well,when you are lying
down on the left side and a pillow on your
head,your head is in little tilted and side
way position and this is the position where
you cannot snore,you will automatically stop
snoring , snoring is a very big problem in
couples,here this would really help in good
sleep and a good partner along with you.when
people suffer from cold cough sinus asthama
and if you feel that your right nostril is
blocked then lie down on the left side,it
will automatically open your right nostril,this
is the best position for pregnant women with
knees bent,it enables a good blood flow to
the fetus to the liver to kidney to heart
and to uterus,during pregnancy the belly is
growing big and the pressure in the uterus
becomes very strong so this really helps when
you sleep on the left side,it reduces the
pressure because of this growing belly.our
human spine is S shaped when this curvature
of S increases,people get back ache so when
people lie down on the left side,this position
helps in management of backache problems,when
person has back pain person should definitely
lie down on left side but keep one pillow
inbetween both the thighs and that would still
help in releasing the pain,sleeping position
is the best position for people suffering
from backache condition,sleeping on your left
side helps increasing the heat in your body
that is the right nostril is going to function
that is called the surya nadi now when you
are lied down in AC the temperature is cold
and when you lie down on the left side that
would help you to manage the temperature very
nicely without getting hurt by the cold atmosphere,right
side sleeping too is the best position to
sleep it gives you all the benefits that you
are getting from the left side sleeping,only
in one condition a person should not sleep
on the right side and that is after eating
your food,after food right side position doesn’t
help in better digestion and so first allow
the body to digest the food so first sleep
on left side and then after 15-20 mins or
half an hour you can turn yourself to the
right side that would be the best management
of your body.when your stomach is empty sleeping
on the right side would give you a very good
relaxation,when a person is sleeping on right
side,his left nostril which is called as moon,cooling
nostril is functioning very well and hence
this position helps you in coling down your
body,sleep makes one third of your life so
understand how much sleep is important ,good
sleep can solve big big problems,person is
angry sleep more you will definitely have
more control over your mind when you are in
an angry and agitated mood lie down on the
right side,empty stomach your problem would
be handled very well,similarly when person
is constipated,in the morning when you wake
up,lie down on the right side,take few long
breaths and you will feel much relief in constipation,you
will be able to evacuate your bowels very
nicely ,understand this point thoroughly well
that on the right side when you have to relieve
things forget things that is the position
that you should take and so remember that
as a householder you will be lying down on
the left side to see that digestion is better
absorption is better but then you should sleep
on the right side also quite well to give
a good relaxation to your body good hormonal
secretions to your body and doing good balances
to your body,removing diseases removing problems,is
possible only with good sleep so give importance
to good sleep take a proper position of sleep
all the position lie down on the stomach could
be done for 10 – 15 minutes with a purpose
when a person has lot of gases persons digestion
is very poor first lie down on your stomach
for some time then lie down on your back for
spinal disorders,back ache and neck problems
that would help you,lie down on left side
would help you with irritable bowel movements
agitation and irritation in digestion and
so lie down on left side and lying down on
your right side would be for your mind to
see that mind is calm and composed and handles
situation properly so with all that understanding
sleep well take a proper position don’t
increase problems with a wrong position in
your life so be careful sleep well and enjoy
your life.